Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Year 10 BIG QUESTION - Demand shifters

Consider what is driving demand in the following. For each example say:

i) whether a shift/movement has taken place (Remember to indicate which market demand curve you are referring to.
ii) if there's been a movement along the D curve, a contraction or extension?
iii) if there's been a shift, an increase or decrease?

Used Cars         Grand Theft Auto         Toilet Paper          Bikes and Cars         Computer


  1. 1. There is an increase shift in the demand curve for used cars due to a decrease in peoples incomes and thereby they're substituting used cars for new ones.
    2. There has been a shift in the demand curve for Grand Theft Auto due to the release of the new game. This shift would be an increase.
    3. The supply for toilet paper has decreased due to scarce resources, and thereby this causes a negative shift in the demand curve because demand is still high. A good example of this happening is in Venezuela.
    4. The demand for bikes increases and the demand for cars decreases causing a shift in both demand curves due to the recession and people not having as much spending money from their income.
    5. People are substituting HP PCs for Lenovo ones as they're less expensive and as the market slump worsens this is very important to people with tight incomes. This means that both demand curves shift, Lenovo's increases, and HP's decreases.

  2. Naina Grover

    1) There is a movement along the demand curve- an extension because of higher demand for used cars
    2) There has been a shift on the demand curve (an increase) for GTA 5 because its a new game and it has become really popular
    3) There is a negative shift in the demand curve for toilet paper
    4) There is a negative shift in the demand for cars- it has decreased, and a positive shift in the demand for bikes- it has increased
    5) There is a positive shift (increase) in the demand curve for Lenovo and a negative shift (decrease) in the demand curve for HP

  3. Omar Malik

    1. There is a shift in the demand curve for used cars because of a lowering in peoples incomes and so they are substituting used cars for new ones.
    2. There will or has been a shift in the demand curve for Grand Theft Auto because the release of the new edition.
    3. Supply for toilet paper has lowered because of scarce resources, and so this causes a negative shift in the demand curve because demand is still high for the product.
    4. Demand for bicycles increases and the demand for cars lowers causing a shift in both demand curves due to the economy and people not having as much money to spend.
    5. People are substituting expensive computers for cheaper ones because they are less expensive. This means that both demand curves shift, the cheaper one increases, and the expensive ones decrease.

  4. Hannah Cleere

    Used Cars – there is an increase shift on the demand curve because people’s incomes are decreasing, so they are buying cheaper cars as a substitute for newer cars.

    Grand Theft Auto – There is an increase shift because a new version has been released so it is in fashion.

    Toilet paper – Supply for toilet paper has been lowered because of scarce resources, so the demand increases.

    Bikes and Cars – there is an increase shift for bikes and a decrease shift for cars because people want to buy something cheaper and better for the environment and a bike is a good substitute.

    Computers – there is an increase shift for Mac computers because people think they are better computers and they are advertised more.

  5. 1. It is an increase shift because the income of the public is decreasing increasing the demand for cheaper used cars.
    2. There is a shift in the demand curve for grand theft auto because it was only recently released, it is a shift increase.
    3. The supply of toilet roll decreases because of scarce resources, however there is still the same demand so it will be a negative shift.
    4. As the income of the public decreases it effects both the products, due to this the demand for bicycles increases and cars decreases. They are both shifts.
    5. The cheaper brand of computers will have an increase in demand due to the low incomes, the expensive brand will have a decrease in demand. They are both shifts.

  6. 1. There is a shift increase because people are buying used cars as a substitute for new cars.
    2. There is a shift increase as the new edition of GTA has been released.
    3. There is a change in the demand curve as supply for toilet paper is low, however demand remains the same.
    4. There is a shift increase for bikes and a shift decrease for cars as a result of people wanting to spend less money on transport methods. Thus people buy bikes as a substitute.
    5. There is an increase shift for lenovo computers as a substitute for the HP computers which experience a decrease shift.
    -Valentin Arstal

  7. Oliver Dyson

    1)There is an increase shift for used cars due to their low prices; substituting new expensive cars in this economy.
    2)Grand Theft Auto has seen an increase shift in the demand curve because it is a new release. Advertising and trends have helped with its high initial sales
    3) There is a low supply of toilet roll due to scarce resources. However, the demand is still the same, therefore there is a decrease shift in the demand curve.
    4) There is an increase shift for demand of bicycles and a decrease shift for cars. This is due to the recession; people's disposable incomes are lower and the bicycle is cheaper
    5) Lenovo PCs have had and increase shift and the HP computers have had a decrease shift, due to the Lenovo being cheaper and therefore substituting the more expensive one

  8. Used cars- increase shift in demand as the average income changed so the demand for cheaper cars increased.

    Grand theft auto- Increase shift because of the new version recently released

    Toilet paper- decrease shift because of scarce resources

    Bikes and cars- because of the average income lowering and petrol is made of oil- a scarce resource, people look at cheaper alternatives so there is a positive shift in demand for bikes but a negative one for cars

    Computers- lower incomes would mean increase in the demand for cheaper brands of computers- an increased shift- and a decrease shift for more expensive models

  9. Used cars
    There will be an increase shift in demand as people have less income so the demand for cheaper used cars will increase

    Grand theft auto
    There will be an increase shift in demand as the new version is in fashion

    Toilet paper
    There will be an increase shift in demand as people thought that it would become scarce then there would be a decrease shift as people already had lots of toilet paper

    Bikes and cars
    There will be an increase shift in the bike demand curve because people want a cheaper alternative to cars. There will also be a negative shift in the demand curve for cars as cars and bikes are substitute goods

    People have lower incomes so this will mean that they want a cheaper substitute. This means that Lenovo has had an increase shift and HP have had a decrease shift because they are substitute goods

  10. used cars:
    there will be an increase shift in the demand because people have a lower income so the demand for used cars which are cheaper than new cars would rise

    grand theft auto:
    there is an increase shift in the demand curve, as the newer version released would become popular

    toilet paper:
    There is a lower supply of toilet roll due to scarce resources. but the demand is still the same, therefore there is a decrease shift in the demand curve

    bikes and cars:
    there will be an increase shift in the demand for bikes, and a decrease shift in the demand for cars because bikes and cars are substitute goods.

    peoples incomes are lower, so they would want the cheaper options. this means lenovo will have an increase shift and HP will have a decrease shift because they are substitute goods


  11. UC- People have a lower income so there will be a shift in the demand and people will want the cheaper used cars

    GTA- There is a shift in the demand curve because the new version just was released

    TP- Suply of toilet paper is scarce and the demand is the same so there is a decrease shift in the demand curve

    B+C- They are substitutes so there will be an increase shift in the demand for bikes and a decrease shift for cars

    C- Peop;e are substituting HP PCs for lenovo so lenovo will have a shift increase and HP will have a shift decrease, they are substitutes

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  13. Ceyda Davidson
    Used Cars- Increase shift in the demand curve as the demand for used cars went up because they substituted buying the newer cars with the cheaper, used cars.

    Grand Theft Auto- Increase shift in the demand curve as the new version is currently in fashion.

    Toilet Paper- Decrease shift in the demand curve of toilet paper as people think there is a lack and have stocked up.

    Bikes and Cars- Increase shift in the demand curve for bike and decrease shift for cars as people are substituting bikes for cars.

    Computer- Increase shift for Lenovo and decrease shift for HP and people are substituting the HPs for Lenovos.

  14. 1. There is an increase shift in the demand curve for used cars because of a decrease in peoples incomes, so they have substituted the newer cars with the used cars, because they are cheaper.

    2. There is an increase shift in the demand curve for GTA due to the release of GTA V.

    3. There is a decrease in the demand for toilet paper because of scarce resources. This will have caused a negative shift in the demand curve.

    4. There will be an increase shift in the demand curve for bikes and a decrease for cars as more people use bikes instead of cars.

    5. People are substituting HP PCs for Lenovo because they are cheaper. Therefore there will be an increase shift for Lenovo and a decrease shift for HP.

  15. Barney-
    1. There is an increase shift in the demand curve for used cars because of a decrease in peoples incomes and so they are buying more cheaper cars as a substitute for new cars.
    2.The Grand theft auto franchise would have a increase shift because of a higher demand as a result of a new edition being released.
    3.Toilet paper would receive a decrease shift in demand if the resources were being depleted to quickly as scarcity would cause inflation hence there would be less demand as people would try to conserve.
    4.Bikes and cars are substitute goods in a way because they are both used for transport and bikes are good as long as your destination isnt too far away. Cars would recieve a decrease shift if there was more demand for bikes and vice versa.
    5.Computers, and increase shift in apple computers after the release of a new model would cause a decrease shift in samsung laptops as they are substitute goods.

  16. Zac Davies
    Used cars- increase shift in demand as the average income changed so the demand for cheaper cars increased.

    Grand theft auto- Increase shift because of the new version recently released

    Toilet paper- decrease shift because of scarce resources

    Bikes and cars- because of the average income lowering and petrol is made of oil- a scarce resource, people look at cheaper alternatives so there is a positive shift in demand for bikes but a negative one for cars

    Computers- lower incomes would mean increase in the demand for cheaper brands of computers- an increased shift- and a decrease shift for more expensive models

  17. Rahul Lopez

    1. There is an increase in the demand for used cars because, due to the recession, less people can afford new cars therefore they buy second hand cars. This is an infrease shift in the demand curve.

    2. Due to the release of a new edition of Grand Theft Auto the franchise had an increase shift in the demand curve because people bought the new game.

    3. The price of toilet paper would increase due to the Rationing Function. As resources become scarce the price is driven up. This will result in a movement along the demand curve as less people are willing to pay the higher price.

    4. There would be an increase shift in demand curve for bikes as they are the cheaper alternative to using a car which is much more expensive to buy and maintain. Theis is due to the current recession. Therefore there would be a decrease shift in the dmand curve for cars.

    5. There would be a shift in the demand curve for both computer companies. There would be an increase for Lenovo and a decrease for HP. This is due to the fact that the price for Lenovo computers is less due to the current depression, therefore people are choosing the cheaper option.

  18. Used cars-there will be an increase shift on the curve because people have lower incomes so they cant afford to buy new cars,and most buy second hand cars.
    Grand Theft Auto-there will be an increase shift,because people will buy the new version of the game.
    Bikes and Cars- an increase shift for bikes because they are a cheaper substitute to cars,and a decrease shift for cars.
    .Toilet Paper-decrease shift because resources are scarce so prices will go up
    Computers-more people will buy Lenova computers and less HP because it is more expensive and Lenova is the cheaper subsitute.The demand curve for Lenova will shift up.
    Miraal 10SM

  19. Siddharth Pillai

    Used cars: Due to high demand, there is an increase shift in the demand curve for cars because more people can afford second-hand cars.
    Grand Theft Auto: As the latest game has been released, there is an increase shift in the demand curve.
    Toilet Paper: There will be a decrease shift in the demand curve because of its scarcity.
    Bikes and Cars: Due to the expensive maintenance and cost of cars, bikes would be a cheaper alternative. So, there will be a decrease shift in the demand curve for cars and an increase shift for bikes.
    Computers: Due to the recession and/or low incomes, people are looking for cheaper computers. Therefore Lenovo, being the cheaper substitute, will have an increase shift in the demand curve, whereas HP will have a decrease shift, due to low demand and it being more expensive.

  20. Aaron Camball

    Used cars - There will be an increase shift on the curve because peoples' incomes are decreasing leading to them not being able to afford to buy new cars and buy second hand cars
    Grand Theft Auto - There will be an increase shift on the demand curve as it has just been released
    Toilet paper - There will be a decrease shift in the demand curve because of its scarcity
    Bikes and Cars - There will be an increase shift for bikes as they are a cheaper substitute for cars meaning that there will be a decrease shift in the demand curve for cars
    Computers - There would a shift in demand curve for both computer companies There would be an increase for Lenovo and a decrease for HP, this is because the price for Lenovo computers is less due to the current recession, therefore people are choosing the cheaper option.

  21. Used Cars:

    There will be a shift-increase in the demand of the cars since people have lower incomes and the demand for used cars will go up since they are a cheaper substitute to buy a new car.

    Grand Theft Auto -

    There is a shift-increase in the demand curve as newer, latest additions will become more popular and attract people because of its recent release.

    Toilet Paper -

    Toilet paper is a scarce resource and there is lower supply due to this. The demand however, stays stable and constant, thus, there is a shift-decrease in the demand curve.

    Bikes and Cars:
    There will be a shift-increase in the demand curves for bikes and the opposite for cars because through PACIFICS we can say that bikes are a good substitute for cars.

    Computers -

    There will be a shift in demand for both companies. Although they will both be opposite, they still both change. There will be an increase for Lenovo but a decrease for HP. A simple reason is given for this, the fact that Lenovo costs more that HP and does practically the same things means the demand for that will go up and the opposite for HP. This is due to cost cutting in the credit crunch. People will choose the cheaper option, thus causing the increase and decrease to the respective computer companies.

    - Sid Jhurani

  22. Jetasri Gupta

    1) Used cars - In this case, an increasing shift has taken place in the demand curve due to lower incomes which has caused people to substitute cheaper used cars for new ones. This has made the overall demand higher which has caused the curve to shift.

    2) Grand Theft Auto – This video game has seen an increase shift in the demand curve. This is because of the extensive advertising and publicity that comes with the release of a new product, especially when it is the latest in a popular series.

    3) Toilet Paper shortage – There has been an increase shift in the demand curve due to an external cause (one other than normally expected ones); Jonny Carson’s show. This is because demand for toilet paper has increased and people are willing to buy a larger quantity of rolls for the same market price as they would want to stock up for the future.

    4) Bikes and Cars – There has been a shift in both curves; a shift to the right for bikes and a shift towards the left for cars. This is because of the recessions and therefore a mass lowering of incomes. This would mean that people would substitute bikes for cars as they will not be able to afford more costly cars.

    5) Computers – both Lenovo and HP computers experience a shift in the demand curve. This is probably because of Lenovo advertising or it’s lower prices, which makes people buy Lenovo computers as opposed to HP ones. This means that there is an increase shift for Lenovo and a decrease shift for HP

  23. 1) there will be an increase shift in the demand curve because of lower incomes therefore, because used cars is a cheaper substitute for new ones, they will choose the cheaper option.

    2) there will be an increase shift in the demand curve as it is a new addition to the already very popular series, it has also been heavily advertised. People will be in hurry to buy it.

    3) the supply of toilet paper has decreased. But the demand is still the same therefore there is a shift decrease

    4) the demand for bikes has increased as it is the cheaper substitute for the car, in turn the demand for cars has decreased because of its high cost to maintain

    5) people want the cheaper option therefore there will be a shift increase for lenovo and a shift decrease for HP

    -Shahmeer Chaudhary

  24. 1. There will be an increase shift in the demand curve because of lower incomes therefore, as used cars are a cheaper substitute for new ones, they will choose the cheaper option.

    2. There will be an increase shift in the demand curve as it is a new addition to the already very popular series, it has also been heavily advertised. People will be in hurry to buy it.

    3. The supply of toilet paper has decrease but the demand is still the same, therefore there is a shift decrease.

    4. The demand for bikes has increased. It is the cheaper substitute for the car, in turn the demand for cars has decreased because of its high cost to maintain.

    5. People want the cheaper option therefore there will be a shift increase for lenovo and a shift decrease for HP.
    Ollie B x

  25. 1) There will be an increase in sift demand curve because of incomes therefore, because of the fact that use cars are a cheaper substitute for new ones, they will choose the cheaper option.

    2)This video game has seen an increase shift in the demand curve. This is due to extensive advertising and publicity that comes with the release of the new product.

    3) Toilet paper is a scarce recourse and there is a lower supply due to this. The demand however remains stable and constant, and therefore there is a shift decrease in the demand curve.

    4)The demand for bikes has increased as it is the cheaper substitute for the car, due to this he demand for cars has decreased because of its high cost to maintain.

    5) People want the cheaper option therefore there will be a shift increase for lenovo and a shift decrease for HP

    -Jodutt Qudsiyeh

  26. 1. There is a shift in the demand curve for used cars because people's income lowers making them substitute the used cars for newer ones.

    2. There will or has been a shift in the demand curve for Grand Theft Auto because the release of the new edition. There has also been a lot of advertising and a lot of people have been talking about it.

    3. Supply for toilet paper has lowered, and so this causes a negative shift in the demand curve as the demand for the product is still high.

    4. Demand for bicycles increases and the demand for cars lowers causing a shift in both demand curves as bikes are cheaper and don't cost as much to fix if there is a problem.

    5. People are substituting their expensive computers for less expensive computers to save money. This means that the demand curve for lenovo will have a shift increase and hp will have a shift decrease.

  27. Used cars: i) shift ii) increase as income is decreasing and used cars are an inferior good.
    GTA: i) shift ii) increase as new edition just released and advertising has helped market the product.
    Toilet paper: i)shift iii) increase because a potential shortage was advertised.
    Bikes and cars: i)shift iii)increase in bikes demand because cars and bikes are substitute goods
    Computers: i)shift iii)decrease, doesn't stay why there has been a sale slump in PC market but probably because more people are opting for a laptop which is a substitute good.

  28. Used cars:
    There will definitely be an increase shift in the demand because people have a lower income so the demand for used cars which are cheaper than new cars would rise

    grand theft auto:
    there is an increase shift in the demand curve, as the newer version released would become very popular due to advertising

    toilet paper:
    There is a lower supply of toilet roll due to scarce resources. however the demand is still the same as it is an everyday household good, therefore there is a decrease shift in the demand curve

    bikes and cars:
    there will be an increase shift in the demand for bikes, and a decrease shift in the demand for cars because bikes and cars are substitute goods.

    people have lower incomes , so they would need the cheaper options. this means lenovo will have an increase shift and HP will have a decrease shift because they are substitute goods

