Thursday, September 5, 2013

Big Question - Factors of Production


  1. A. 1. His computer that he purchased.
    2. His mobile phone that he purchased.

    B. Alonso is a entrepreneur since he had taken the risk of investing his own money into a business venture that he himself thought of and set up. This fits the definition of an entrepreneur, decision making-risk taking.

  2. a) 1. The computer
    2. The mobile phones

    b) He is an entrepreneur because he is the one investing the money and making the choices for the transport service and bus company, he is the one that started it up which is what an entrepreneur does

  3. A) 1.the mobile phone
    2. the computer

    B) he is an entrepreneur because he is investing his own money into the business that he thought up himself, and he will have to take risks and make decisions, making him an entrepreneur.

  4. A)) 1. His computer
    2. The 50-seater coach

    B)) He is an entrepreneur because it is his own money invested into the business idea he thought of himself, he will also be the one who makes the decisions and takes the risks regarding his business

  5. A) 1. The computer
    2. The mobile phone

    B) Alonso is classed as an entrepreneur because he started the business, taking the risk with his own money. He is now in charge of the business and has to make decisions and compromises.

  6. a)
    1: the computer
    2:the mobile phone

    b)He is an entrepreneur because it is his own money and risk he is taking on board for this new business idea. That's basically what an entrepreneur is, a risk taker

  7. A) 1. the computer
    2. the mobile phones

    B) He is an entrepreneur because he runs, organizes, and takes the risks of the business. He also used his own money to make the business and had the idea of making the business. This makes him an entrepreneur.

  8. A. 1. the bus
    2. mobile phones

    B) He is an entrepreneur because he created a business using his own idea, organised it, was a risk taker as he used his own money. He will have to make all the choices and decisions himself if he had to.This makes him an entrepreneur.

  9. a) The computer that he bought. Also, the mobile phone that he bought.

    b) Alonso is an entrepreneur because he had to take the risks of setting up his own business. He also had to, and will have to make any choices regarding the future of his company. Moreover, Alonso in an entrepreneur because he had the idea of starting this business.

  10. A) phones and computers

    B) e is an entrepreneur because he set up his own buisness taking the risk of using his own money, and he will have to make all the choices in the future.

  11. Barney Brett

    a) phones and computer
    b)Entrepreneur as he is taking a risk with his own money and making basic business decisions

  12. a) Phones and computer
    b)He is an entrepreneur because he is taking a risk in setting up the business while using his own money and skills.

  13. a) Computer and Phone
    b) The definition of an entrepreneur is someone who is a risk taker/descion maker. In this case Alonzo Courtez would be considered an 'entrepreneur' as he is risking his own money in setting up a buisiness, in which he hopes will make him a profit.

  14. Vikram Jadeja 10EJ -
    A) Alonso's mobile telephone and his computer and also the coach are examples of Capital.

    B) Alonso is an entrepreneur as he is the brains behind his organization. Also he is the one taking risks with his money and he is the decision maker. that is why Alonso is an entrepreneur.
